Steuben County REMC is committed to assisting our membership in any way possible, whether that be preaching the message of safety or assisting you in lowering your monthly energy bills. Feel free to take advantage of these free services!
Speaking Engagements and Safety Demonstrations: Steuben County REMC provides experts to speak at your next group get-together, field trip or meeting. Topics range anywhere from energy efficiency and safety to the electric industry and the cooperative difference, and much more in between. Speaking engagements can be customized to fit your time constraints and subject needs. We also perform high voltage demonstrations for first responders and emergency personnel, as well as mini live wire demonstrations for your classroom. To schedule a speaker or demonstration, contact the office and ask for the member services department.
Tree Trimming: If you notice trees or brush growing in or near your service lines, contact the operations department to have them take care of the issues. Our tree crews will get the problem taken care of in an effort to maintain the reliability of your service during storms and to protect your safety. Never attempt to trim near electrical lines- always allow the experts to do it! Call us today at 260-665-3563.
Underground Locates: Planning to dig? Call the Holey Moley program for a free line locate prior to any digging or excavating at 1-800-382-5544, or dial 811 from your phone. Let the experts find the lines!