Serving You Since 1937
Steuben County Rural Electric Membership Corporation supplies electric power to about 8,300 members through over 900 miles of energized line in Steuben County and parts of DeKalb and LaGrange counties in Northeastern Indiana.
In 1936 the rural parts of Northeastern Indiana didn't have benefits of central station electrical service because the investor owned electric companies felt that it would not be profitable to bring electricity to the less populated areas of the country. So some courageous individuals decided to take it upon themselves to form their own not-for-profit electric Cooperative for the purpose of building and maintaining an electric distribution system that would be owned and operated by those individuals it would serve. Thus, Steuben County REMC was born. Incorporated on March 29, 1937, through this unique form of ownership people living in Northeast Indiana were able to take control of the situation and improve the quality of life for themselves and future generations.
Since those humble beginnings, the cooperative has grown to become a financially sound organization serving more than 9,500 accounts. In fact, it had been the fastest growing county in the state in previous years. Our cooperative is a shining example of how ordinary, hard working people can unite to create their own opportunities and achieve a common goal. The REMC is governed by a 9 member Board of Directors elected by the membership at the annual meeting each year.
Because Steuben County REMC is a cooperative utility, margins as they are referred to in our business, are returned to you, the member, on a prorated basis in the form of Capital Credits. Unlike an investor owned utility, which distributes its profits to its shareholders, cooperatives return excess margins to their member owners. When patronage capital is returned your share is based on the amount of electricity you purchased for the year being refunded. To date, over $5,000,000 in capital credits has been retired to our members who held service with us previously.
Our cooperative is rich with history, tradition and a spirit of community that will last throughout future generations. We are proud to be a part of Steuben County, and proud to serve you, the member.
Miles of Line
We spend all day, every day ensuring every mile is up and running as expected. Please contact us at 260-665-3563 for any power outages.
Members Served
We treat all our members equally and strive to keep the lights on for everybody 24/7/365, we are very proud of our members.
Meters per mile
We average 11.06 meters per mile of electric line in our service territory.
Capital Credits
How much your local electric cooperative has given back in capital credits since 1998 to over 41,000 members.
Operation Round Up
How much our members have donated to over 520 projects in our community in the last 16 years.