Many internet providers try to use gimmicks to entice people to switch to their service. Do you know what to look for and where to find them? Steuben County REMC wants to make sure our members understand the difference in for-profit advertising and how tech terminology can be used trick people.
See below for some of the gimmicks.
Many “Fiber” internet providers are not offering fiber to the home service. The fiber lines will stop at the road outside of your home. The fiber service will then be spliced to an existing coax or copper phone line. Your internet service will only be as fast as the slowest equipment.
- “500/250 MBPS”
Many internet providers do not provide symmetrical upload and download speeds making conference calls, gaming, and many other online activities challenging. For some providers, it is not truly an unlimited data plan, as they will throttle speeds when data limits are reached.
Terms and conditions may specify additional fees related to auto pay, equipment rentals, and installation fees.
- “$24.99 > $59.99”
Watch out for the promotional pricing hook. It may include large price jumps, hidden fees, and contracts after a short period of time, 3-6 months or up to 1 year.
Limited availability in areas because of the infrastructure costs they are targeting the densely populated areas that may already have other internet providers in the area. Our membership has full access to a completed total fiber network.
Fees may be specified in the terms and conditions on early termination which can include reimbursement for installation costs and equipment. An implied multi-year contract based on promotional pricing.