Watch here for the 2023 Annual Meeting videos.
2024 Annual Meeting Opens Next Week
Board President, Wayne Gingerich kicks off this year's meeting
Board Secretary/ Treasurer Gary Shough and President Wayne Gingerich give this year's reports and introduce this year's candidates and fellow board members.
Corporate Legal Counsel, James McEntarfer goes over the election process for the 2024 board election and the important dates coming up.
Kevin Keiser gives his overview of your cooperative over the last year regarding the electric and broadband services.
Corporate Legal Counsel, James McEntarfer announces the results for the 2024 Board of Directors Election. Josh Durbin reads the grand prize winners provided by Survey and Ballot Systems. Thank you for watching the 2024 Weekly Virtual Annual Meeting Series.

Your vote matters! As a member-owned cooperative, you elect the people you want to represent you in the board room.
Cast your ballot between May 6 and June 6 via mail-in or online format. Both options will be available to all active voting members. You can see all of the Annual Meeting video updates on YouTube, Facebook, or this webpage. The weekly giveaway winners will be posted on the page. Vote early to be entered every week.
The 2024 Steuben County REMC Annual Meeting will be broadcast on June 8 on YouTube, Facebook, or this webpage. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for the first notice of election results.
2024 Official Documentation
Mike Kurtz Petition District 4
Ken Wilson Petition District 4
Carter Snider Petition District 5
Larry Jack Petition District 8
Don Wittkamp Petition District 8
Weekly Giveaway Winners *50 random weekly giveaway winners of $25*. The weekly winners can be viewed at the end of each video in the Annual Meeting series. A complete list of winners will be posted after the conclusion of the meeting.
Grand Prize and Weekly $25 Bill Credit Winners
*One vote per membership. (The electric service must be in your name to be entitled to vote.)
**Members who vote online/ SmartHub and by mail will only have their mail ballot counted.
***Members who vote by mail or online will be entered in the giveaways.